Fight or Flight (2025)
A hardened mercenary is hired to track down a high-value target aboard a commercial flight, but the mission takes a deadly turn when he discovers theyβre both surrounded by assassins. Now, he must switch gears from hunter to protector, fighting to keep her alive as the plane becomes a battleground at 30,000 feet.”
Josh Hartnett,Β Katee Sackhoff, Marko Zaror, Julian Kostov, Charithra Chandran, JuJu Chan, Sanjeev Kohli, Rebecka Johnston, NΓ³ra TrokΓ‘n, Sarah Lam
Release Date
This movieΒ Fight or Flight 2025, was released on theΒ 2025-03-13Β in Hungary, United States of America.
Movie Details
- Title:Β Fight or Flight
- Year:Β 2025
- Genre:Β Action, Thriller
- Country:Β Hungary, United States of America
- Language:Β English, Magyar
- Category:Β
- Director:Β James Madigan
Fight or Flight (2025)
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