Inspired by a true American story, *Lonesome Soldier* follows the compelling journey of Jackson Harlow, a young man from the heart of Tennessee to the war-ravaged landscapes of Iraq. As Jackson returns home, the vivid memories of war continue to haunt him, revealing that his greatest battle is just beginningβone fought on an entirely different front.
*Lonesome Soldier* powerfully captures the deep challenges and quiet triumphs of those who have endured the trials of war, only to return to a world that struggles to understand the weight of their sacrifice.
John Ashton, Allison McAtee, Alexander Randazzo, Jesse James, Jamie Bernadette, Steve Monroe, Patrick Malone, Mohamed Karim
Release Date:
This movie Lonesome Soldier 2023, was released on the 2023-11-03 in United States of America.
Movie Details:
- Title: Lonesome Soldier
- Year: 2023
- Genre: Drama, War, Thriller
- Country: United States of America
- Language: English
- Category: Filmcinemax
- Director: Nino Aldi
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